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Guestbook page 1 Welcome to the guestbook of Aaron Walz's MIDI Home! All of the wonderful people on this page have visited my site and taken time to sign in and submit feedback, which I greatly appreciate. This book exists to unite my guests and help me decide how to update the site!
My Guests:
7/14/98 @ 9:33 PM...
Guest: Sean
Blackwell Age: 16
Country: USA State or Province: Auburn, IN
Email: seanblackwell@yahoo.com
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/pipeline/halfpipe/4732
Favorite musical genre
or style:
Alternative Music and Heavy Metal
Favorite of my songs: Forgotten Journeys
It's really a
catchy tune.
How he/she found my
Browsing for MIDI
sites and yours popped up.
I was REALLY amazed
that you composed all of this music. I was also shocked that you
received so many awards for your compositions.
Away from original
pieces, you should try to recreate some contemporary tunes from
bands i.e. Green Day, Metallica, Harvey Danger, etc. You may find
this really challenging, but you'll have a lot of fun with it.
This will also attract attention to your site.
This page is one of
the best MIDI pages I've seen. Hey, keep in touch. I'd like to
hear from you.
7/14/98 @ 3:47 PM...
Guest: nathan
Age: 14
Country: wi State or Province: northern
Email: snow540
Homepage: hgfdxfbvc
Favorite musical genre
or style:
phantom of the opera
Favorite of my songs: Forgotten Journeys
its good?
How he/she found my
went to webcrawler
then put midi theme songs
theme songs
more tyheme songs
7/12/98 @ 8:46 AM...
Guest: Colin
Temple Age: 14
Country: Canada
State or
Email: fatnewt@mailexcite.com
Homepage: http://hey.to/fatnewt
Favorite musical genre
or style:
Favorite of my songs: ...Ihaven't listened to
I havent seen the
whole page yet.
How he/she found my
Midi Ring
Midi. I like
looking for and collectimg Midis, and you have some I don't.
just add Midis when
you find/make new ones.
Good Site!!
7/12/98 @ 3:12 AM...
Guest: Amy
Ward Age: 26
Country: USA State or Province: Ohio
Email: nightprowler72@yahoo.com
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Atrium/1626/index.html
Favorite musical genre
or style:
All styles
Favorite of my songs: CrystalFields
I could see it in
my mind when I listened to it...
How he/she found my
Midi Ring, random
Site selection...
I am quite
impressed that you are composing your own...
I would like to
link your site to mine as I am planning a links page for music
sites of all types...
7/10/98 @ 6:20 AM...
Guest: Steven
Age: 22
Country: USA State or Province: MASSACHUSETTS
Email: GameMasterD@webtv.net
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dungeon/2779
Favorite musical genre
or style:
Favorite of my songs: Final Battle
Good likeness of
real video game battle.
How he/she found my
Search engine.
Video Game MIDIS.
7/9/98 @ 11:22 AM...
Guest: Jesse
Lyons Age: 14
Country: Good ol'
U.S.A. State or Province: Washington
Email: Calypsominion@hotmail.com
Homepage: -
Favorite musical genre
or style:
FF7, Movie Themes, Or Cool Game midis'
Favorite of my songs: ...I don't have a
They Just Don't
sound good on my cmputor, but they have a good beat. I give it a
How he/she found my
I went to
SEARCH.com and looked for a while.
All the Good game
You need more theme
music.( from movies)
Your page rocks!
You need more music
7/4/98 @ 8:03 PM...
Guest: Aaron
Boyer Age: 16
Country: USA State or Province: Minnesota
Email: formi2poopon@hotmail.com
Homepage: -
Favorite musical genre
or style:
classical, jazz
Favorite of my songs: ...I don't have a
How he/she found my
My friend Don told
me about your huge
Midi collection on
Final Fantasy. That
just pretty much
had me right there.
He has a web site
called Cid's Domain.
I love everything
about your page.
-great links (all
of them I use!)
-nice setup
7/2/98 @ 2:39 PM...
Guest: Ryan Age: -
Country: usa State or Province: Va
Email: Ryhand13
Homepage: -
Favorite musical genre
or style:
Favorite of my songs: Ares' Conquest
Great beat
How he/she found my
Searching for great
midis and friend told me about it
The final fantasy
Not a thing it is
the best I have ever heard
Love it and thanks
for fixing Jenova in final fantasy 7
6/30/98 @ 11:40 PM...
Guest: Dexter
Age: 12
Australia State or Province: Queensland
Email: dexter_36@hotmail.com
Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/wa/dexterpage
Favorite musical genre
or style:
Theme, Grunge
Favorite of my songs: Hermes'Flight
Well it is the only
one I have heard and it is cool!!
How he/she found my
Well I found this
other guys page in Yahoo! and from there I followed the MIDI
Webring thingy to here!!
The music and the
way you have made your homepage!!
You must know your
More songs!!
ummm......the HTML
code to some of them!!
Well it is a really
cool and professional page!!!!
6/30/98 @ 11:14 PM...
Xcalibar Age: 12
Country: United
States State or Province: Indiana
Email: game-spot@listbot.com
Homepage: http://members.tripod.com/~xcalibar1/index.html
Favorite musical genre
or style:
RPG, mystical
Favorite of my songs: My Final Fantasy Battle
well.... I LOVE
final Fantasy
How he/she found my
Link from
I liked:
The final Fantasy
The variety of
The cool background
the music from
other games
the fact that you
have instructions to do stuff:
put the cursor on
the midi
right click, and
then click save as
and so on
improved: MORE
changed: nothing
added: more links,
and music
great page, coming
back, have it bookmarked, you know.
6/29/98 @ 10:34 PM...
Guest: Billyum
Widdoes Age: 00
Country: <- Is
Okay State or Province: Confusion
Email: greymaster@hotmail.com
Homepage: -
Favorite musical genre
or style:
Almost Any
Favorite of my songs: ...I don't have a
Because I don't
single any One thing out. I like many things and not just ONE>
How he/she found my
Very Tasty. Would
be really good with a little mithra cheese...
I think you should
add a spa and swimming pool. This way we can also enjoy your
water music...
Maybe if you change
your hair color and stop wearing GOTH clothing, you wouldn't seem
as normal.
Despite the
rumours...I think your boxers with the POOH bears on them are
cute. Maybe you should get the Tigger variety too? (Don't go JOE
BOXER...too trendy)
6/27/98 @ 5:44 PM...
Guest: Rhonda
Age: ??
Country: US State or Province: Ohio
Email: Rbarbour3@aol.com
Homepage: too long to remember :)
Favorite musical genre
or style:
Favorite of my songs: Hestia's Warmth
Maternal reasons.
I'm the auntie.
You know they are
all my fav's, I haven't picked a favorite yet!!!
How he/she found my
Good ole Rick at
Your midi home is a
haven for all of us music lovers in search of a retreat from
todays chaotic, uncharted, unthought about music. Your MIDI home
is cozy, easy going, and friendly. Friends live here!
Learn to play that
dernned "oboe"! :)
I really wish with
all of my heart that more kids-"oh, god" not the K
word, would strive to become like you are, I hope they find
inspiration, heart and soul in your sounds, and words, and grow
like you into a gifted, talented entity. Our world of turmoil
needs more precious souls like yours to keep the lights on,
instead of burning them out!
6/24/98 @ 10:52 PM...
Quietsiren Age: 26
Country: USA State or Province: MI
Email: quietsiren_@yahoo.com
Homepage: http://quietsiren.simplenet.com/lair/
Favorite musical genre
or style:
Classical and fantasy.
Favorite of my songs: Artemis' Hunt
I have a
fascination with Artemis, and this particular song truly captures
Artemis as the huntress; there is a physical movement, a stalking
feel about the song; the melody changes up enough to break
monotony; the song is relatively short, yet complex with layers
of sound; beats are wonderfully timed; nice choice of
instruments; I could actually go on, but I'll stop here. *grin*
How he/she found my
A friend lured
me--he knows I'm a fan of Greek mythology, and that I'd be
interested in hearing someone's interpretation of music done
within that theme.
Since I was last
here (a couple of months back I believe) you've done a redesign,
which I must say is an improvement. *grin* Besides a pianist, I'm
also a web page designer and graphic artist, so I tend to be
picky about the way web pages look, and how web sites function. I
think the layout you've chosen presents a more professional look.
And I'm glad to see the addition of an "about me" page.
Also, your "midi information" page is pretty
informative. And, I'm glad to see the addition of this guestbook.
This is the web
designer in me being nitpicky, but: the MouseOver tags need
MouseOut tags to remove the description from my status bar. Lots
of people forget MouseOuts, and I always harp on people about it.
*grin* One more picky note: more people should link to you from
their sites (you're already linked from mine). Have you
considered creating (or having someone create) a small logo
button or banner, that people can download and use as a visual
link back to you? Feel free to email me about it.
I was here a couple
of months ago (I'm one of the people who sent mail about using
your music *grin*--"Forgotten Journeys" is in the
Temple of Aldane's main room, and "Artemis' Hunt" is in
the "meet Quietsiren" section of the Lair); I'm here
again because a friend of mine came to visit. I sat her down
beside me at the computer, and I took her to your site (by the
way, HER favorite is "Remembering the Melody"). She's
as impressed with your music as I am--and we're both rather
difficult to impress. *smile* I look forward to hearing more of
your compositions in the future. Be well.
6/22/98 @ 10:44 PM...
Guest: Teresa
Age: 21
Country: USA State or Province: California
Email: Carney@sonoma.edu
Homepage: none
Favorite musical genre
or style:
Favorite of my songs: Demeter's Journey
Because I have
always loved this piece. It is wonderful on the piano and also
very beautiful in Midi.
How he/she found my
I wonder!
The fact that you
did it and how much love you put into it and your music.
The music makes the
pages open up VERY slowly and the music you do hear is often in
fragments. I don't know if it can be fixed, but I thought you
might want to know.
You have done
wonderfully for yourself and for others by sharing your music.
6/22/98 @ 9:11 AM...
Guest: Charles
Lu Age: 17
Country: USA State or Province: AL
Email: ychen@hiwaay.net
Homepage: http://fly.hiwaay.net/~ychen/
Favorite musical genre
or style:
Video Game, Celtic
Favorite of my songs: Forgotten Journeys
Compelling to hear
and imagine. Simply spellbinding.
How he/she found my
I searched for
original MIDI, found Miditrax, looked at the winners, and then
found your home.
Great interface (if
that's what you call it-- I'm a game designer),
especially the
intuitive controls, neat animations, and the involved guestbook.
Get more pages to
link to you. your site is like a flower that blooms unseen.
Outstanding pieces!
Keep up that composing!
I am really new to
the Original MIDI arena, and I have recently joined the Midiots.
OK, so I'm not a
hot-shot game designer from id, but I am pretty good at dreaming.
Currently, I am
"borrowing" someone else's E-mail, but it is perfectly
fine to mail me at this address.
6/20/98 @ 8:48 PM...
Guest: Leo
Chen Age: 16
Country: USA State or Province: AL
Email: ychen@hiwaay.net
Homepage: http://fly.hiwaay.net/~ychen/index.html
Favorite musical genre
or style:
anything except country
Favorite of my songs: Hades' Tour
just listed one,
they're all good! = )
How he/she found my
via Midiots
The Songs!
good page and songs
6/18/98 @ 9:49 PM...
Guest: Jesse "Chops"
Gumm Age: 17
Country: USA State or Province: WI
Email: chopsdamassa@geocities.com
Homepage: http://chopsmidi.home.ml.org
Favorite musical genre
or style:
Orchestrated or Synth Melodic
Favorite of my songs: Remembering the Melody
It's hard to say
why I like pieces...
There's something
about it, the images that flash through my mind as I'm listening
to it...
Very melodic and I
often catch myself whistling it or humming it or even just
thinking about it...
How he/she found my
Multiple Links
across the internet
Very well organized
and a nice summary of each piece...Multitudes of FF MIDIs, which
is always good cuz FF MIDIs are excellent indeed. Personality is
put into it, it's not just a mound of boring information than one
would fall asleep reading.
I would say, maye
make some of the text smaller cuz of my small 15" monitor,
but other than that, keep up what you do, you do it well.
Hmmm.... Pretty
much everything to say has been said. You Music is quite
excellent and has a perminent spot on my Hard Drive along with a
perminent spot on my links section. I hope continue to make
excellent music as you do now, and eventually reach your goal of
writing for games...
Chops, signing
6/18/98 @ 9:05 PM...
Richiesan Age: 15
Country: USA State or Province: TX
Email: rca2860@lcc.net
Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/tx/richiesansama/index.html
Favorite musical genre
or style:
Final Fantasy Music
Favorite of my songs: Remembering the Melody
It's just a lovely
piece. I like how it's very relaxing, and it sounds so RPGish if
that makes sense.
How he/she found my
I found it one day
when searched on a searched engine for midi composers.
I like the original
compositions. I especially loved the battle music, and
Remembering the Melody. I hope you will compose more of those.
Aaron, I think your
page is great. You're such a nice guy and I hope your music will
make it big someday(I'm pretty sure it will^_^). Just keep
composing more originals. Maybe next time you can try a love
theme, or another battle music. Well, I signed your guestbook.
You did a great job on this! I can barely make a functional form
for my fanime page....
6/18/98 @ 2:44 PM...
Guest: Shane
Turner Age: 19
Country: Canada
State or
Email: sturner@telusplanet.net
Homepage: http://www.telusplanet.net/public/sturner/mididata.htm
Favorite musical genre
or style:
Favorite of my songs: ...I don't have a
Each of the pieces
expresses different feelings and emotions... I like the battle
theme, but at the
same time, I like the dark sound of Dungeon, the mystical
sound of Forgotten
Journeys... lots of them! Make a great CD :)
How he/she found my
A good variety of
selection, and all are
quality pieces.
6/17/98 @ 10:36 PM...
Guest: Aaron
Walz Age: 19
Country: USA State or Province: CA
Email: mailto:Aaron@Midishack.net
Homepage: http://www.midishack.net
Favorite musical genre
or style:
Video Game Music - especially RPG
Favorite of my songs: Battle Music
To me, most like
RPG music; It is fast-paced, yet also musically pleasing.
How he/she found my
Hmm... Well, I
created it! I guess I found it with the help of a dream of mine;
the dream to share what I love on the 'net!
I think it is
organized, which is my biggest priority. I also think I have a
good selection of original and game music. My site is not about
having the biggest collection, but about quality, organization,
information, and understanding. It also keeps me busy and
learning tons of new stuff!
Hmm... Well, I
should work on my tiny themesong section eventually. I also want
to learn a lot more javascript to enhance my site. I'm always
thinking of something new.
I hope this
guestbook form isn't too huge for everyone; feedback is important
to me. Always remember you do not HAVE to write an essay! Thanks
for coming and make yourselves at home!
this guestbook was designed exclusively by Aaron Walz